The State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) is expanding its electronic surveillance corridor to monitor 1700 trucks equipped with radio frequency identification tags (RFID). Thus, these trucks already tagged with RFID chips will pass through the virtual gates of the six Fiscal Stations gauchos without the need to stop. The launch of the new phase of the Brazil-ID pilot project took place last Friday (11/21/2014), at the headquarters of the Union of Cargo Transport Companies and Rio Grande do Sul Logistics (Setcergs).
According to Undersecretary of the Department of Finance (Sefaz-RS), Ricardo Pereira Neves, the system will bring advantages such as reducing the cost of goods and transportation. The reason is the automation of cargo tracking and electronic tax documents of vehicles through similar chips to those used by electronic toll companies (as SemParar, ConectCar, Point to Point etc.), which will be read by antennas fixed in tax offices .
Thus, the driver no longer needs to park the truck and go to the window to perform the passing record in the invoices, since the chips automatically receive the information called Electronic Document Manifesto (MDF-e), with all electronic invoices (NF-e) for products that are in that vehicle.
According to the director of Wernher von Braun Institute, Dario Sassi Thober, institution responsible for the technical development of the Brazil-ID and also the National System design for Automatic Vehicle Identification (Siniav) – read more in Siniav can be deployed soon -, operations captained by Sefaz-RS have multiple effects and mentioned the two who considers the key.
“The initiative provides immediate and major integration with the country’s largest automation service providers in the RFID universe, for the Brazil-ID system interoperability favors the implementation of the pilot project broadly and in a real context of operation” explains Thober.
Also according to the executive von Braun, the Sefaz-RS already operates the so-called National Electronic Invoice environment for all EU Member States. “Now, with the inclusion of national service for all EU Member States, the system National operator of states (ONE) allows states and service providers to integrate the Brazil-ID nationwide, from already, officially linking RFID events to electronic invoices, “he adds.
After the issuance of the MDF and the carrier, the State Revenue conducts a risk analysis of the operation. “We found all recipients and certify previously about the suitability of the products. Who submit correct documentation is framed in low risk of tax evasion and has facilitated passage,” says Pereira undersecretary. In addition to reducing the cost of goods and transportation, he says, the Brazil-ID will lead to reduced theft and robbery charges, guarantee of origin and authenticity of the products and the fight against counterfeiting and smuggling.
At launch Gaucho Brazil-ID was also signed technical cooperation agreement between the state government and the National Land Transportation Agency (ANTT). For the Secretary of State of Finance, Gregor Tonollier, the project meets the demands of the three segments involved. “With it we will have the regularity of activity by ANTT, agility and lower costs for companies and cargo carriers, for the State, greater control of the tax,” he says.
The President of the Setcergs, Sergio Neto, said the project will more competitive- to companies that join the Brazil-ID. “We will win time in the tax offices will decrease costs and also will increase the safety of loads due to monitoring.” The first phase of Brazil ID-operation started in May this year the tax office towers and had the participation of the carrier TNT. You will now need the involvement of eight companies in the sector. There are about 1700 trucks will pass virtually monitored in state tax offices.
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