Sao Paulo, Brazil AETC system is the first large-scale implementation of secure 915MHz

Back in 2011 Sao Paulo State in Brazil choose to change tolling system from DSRC 5.8GHz to Secure (AES128 encryption-based) 915MHz technology following VONBRAUNLABS architecture definitions.

VONBRAUNLABS was responsible not only to design the new system entirely from scratch, but also to run the program as a contractor for the Government, providing direct support and integrating more than 50 companies to deploy all the systems’ components needed for the program that so far reached the following results:

4x More Service Operators,
 20 Concessionaries fully Integrated into the system, 167 Toll plazas Installed,
2884 ETC lanes in Operation, 15 K new tags per day,
1.4 mi AVI events each day and 4.9 mi tags being manufactured (passive tags included now).

VONBRAUNLABS demonstrated the first practical application of Fully-Passive Secure 915MHz Sticker Tags in AVI, the turning point for the creation of the new tolling system in Brazil. It started with semi-passive transponders and it is now moving towards the fully passive version very rapidly. It is important to be mentioned that the Sao Paulo program has now been extended to all States in Brazil under the National Agency for Terrestrial Transportation (ANTT).

VONBRAUNLABS is offering its services to help Government Agencies and Companies integrating systems to Government-related programs with the following advantages:

1. Multiple Service Operators operating over the same infrastructure, each one providing services completely independently, but an a fully-interoperable way under a Big-Data / IT system with a Middleware that creates a common ground for all companies to integrate their systems in the proper way

2. Government agencies play a fundamental role in holding and providing Secure-Keys to Tags and Readers and also in certifying Service Operators which will supply services for AVI and Logistics throughout the transportation and products’ life-cycle

3. Implementations that stimulate local suppliers to complete solution deployment under the technical guidance of VONBRAUNLABS, and, also, direct access to Contract Manufacturers and Foundries, dramatically reducing the cost of infrastructure.


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